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Current Party: Holiday Party 2012
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December 31, 2010

Club Penguin Fireworks At Ice Berg And Ski Hill

Hello Penguins!
Since New Years Day is right around the corner, there is always fireworks blasting off at the Ski Hill and the Ice Berg. Even, puffle firworks accour very rarely. So be sure to go look for them. TIP: To find the puffle firework, you need to stare at the sky and once there are pairs of fireworks blasting off very fast, then you should see the puffle firework.

Ski Hill:

Ice Berg:

If only the night sky was a little bit more dimmer like it was during the Holiday Party, that would be awesome. Besides, who would want to see a firework show during daytime? And for more New Years action that would be better if they played Firework by Katy Perry in the backround. Haha. Ohh yeah.. Happy New Years Eve ! :)


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