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February 21, 2012

Hey everyone. Sorry for not posting in a while...
Anyway, Happy77 (from the Club Penguin Team) posted a new post on the Club Penguin Blog. Check it out:

Greetings Penguins!

Happy77 here. Last month we asked you to tell us what you'd like say to the kids we're supporting around the world through Coins For Change. We got such great responses from you that we decided to do something really cool... 

We're going to make a book filled with some great comments and artwork we've received from you! We'll be sending copies of the book to schools and libraries we've helped build through Coins For Change. 


So here's your chance let kids around the world know you care. Send your message by leaving a comment on this blog post, or send us a picture. We'll pick a few great comments and pictures to feature in this special book. 

We'll share the book with you here on the blog so you can read it, too. :)

Waddle On!

-Club Penguin Team


-Yelley2061, CPYC Admin.
Copyright 2009-2012

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